Week of 01/18/2017
Books For Sale Wed January 18, 2017===============================
Aquaman v6 #015
Batman v3 #015
Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #04
Green Arrow v7 #015
Green Lanterns #015
Harley Quinn v3 #012
He-Man Thundercats #04
Injustice Gods Among Us Ground Zero #04
Justice League Of America The Ray Rebirth #01
Justice League v3 #013 (Justice League vs Suicide Squad Tie-In)
Justice League vs Suicide Squad #05
Kamandi Challenge Special #01
Lucifer v2 #014
Nightwing v4 #013
Raven #05
Suicide Squad Most Wanted El Diablo & Amanda Waller #06
Super Powers v4 #03
Superman v5 #015
Trinity v2 #05
All-New X-Men v2 #017 (Inhumans vs X-Men Tie-In)
Amazing Spider-Man v4 #023 (Clone Conspiracy Tie-In)
Avengers v6 #03.1
Black Panther World Of Wakanda #03
Black Widow v6 #010
Cage v3 #04
Captain America Sam Wilson #018
Clone Conspiracy #04
Deadpool And The Mercs For Money v2 #07
Deadpool The Duck #02 (Marvel Now Tie-In)
Gamora #02
Gwenpool #010
Invincible Iron Man v3 #03
Mighty Captain Marvel #01 (Marvel Now Tie-In)
Monsters Unleashed #01
Mosaic #04
Patsy Walker AKA Hellcat #014
Spider-Gwen v2 #016 (Sitting In A Tree Part 2)
Squadron Supreme v4 #015
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #03
Star-Lord v3 #02
U.S.Avengers #02 (Marvel Now Tie-In)
Ultimates2 #03
Uncanny Inhumans #018 (Inhumans vs X-Men Tie-In)
Venom v3 #03
2000AD #2014
Abstract Studios
Motor Girl #03
AC Comics
Crypt Of Horror #031
Action Lab Entertainment
Athena Voltaire And The Volcano Goddess #03
Miraculous #09
Archie Comics
Archie v2 #016
Archies Funhouse Comics Annual Digest #024
Black Mask Comics
Clandestino #05
Mayday #03
Xed #04
BOOM! Studios
Adventure Time Comics #07
Kong Of Skull Island #07
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #011
SLAM #03
Bongo Comics
Simpsons Comics #236
Coffin Comics
Lady Death Revelations Illustrated #01
Comic Shop News
Comic Shop News #1544
Danger Zone
Cougar And Cub #01
Dollface #01
Puppet Master #020
Dark Horse
Angel Season 11 #01
Black Hammer Giant-Sized Annual #01
Dark Horse Presents v3 #030
Dynamite Entertainment
Battlestar Galactica Gods & Monsters #03
Grand Passion #03
James Bond Hammerhead #04
KISS v3 #04
Heavy Metal
Aftermath Big Clean #05
IDW Publishing
Angry Birds Comics Game Play #01
Classic Popeye #054
Complete Chester Goulds Dick Tracy v21 1962 - 1964 HC
Dirk Gentlys Holistic Detective Agency Salmon Of Doubt #04
October Faction Deadly Season #04
Powerpuff Girls v3 #06
Revolutionaries #01
Star Trek Waypoint #03
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe #06
Walt Disneys Comics & Stories #736
Walt Disneys Donald Duck Timeless Tales v2 HC
X-Files Vo 3 #010
Black Road #06
Curse Words #01
Demonic #06
Descender #018
Drifter #016
Few #01
Horizon #07
Kill Or Be Killed #05
Manifest Destiny #025
Postal #017
Rockstars #02
Theyre Not Like Us #013
Top Cow
Sunstone v5 GN
Lion Forge
Castoffs #04
Oni Press
Nights Dominion #05
super genius
WWE #01
Titan Comics
Doctor Who 9th Doctor v2 #09
Hard Case Crime Peepland #03
Hookjaw #02
UDON Entertainment
Persona3 v2 GN
Valiant Entertainment
Divinity III Aric Son Of The Revolution #01
Generation Zero #06
Harbinger Renegade #03
Zenescope Entertainment
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Robyn Hood I Love NY #08
Spirit Hunters #03
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