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Naked Cartoonists (2012) (Digital-Empire)

Format : CBR/CBZ

Language : English

Description : Naked Cartoonists

The dream, of cartooning aficionados everywhere, revealed in hushed tones only within the cult itself, is to know what their favorite cartoonist looks like ―naked. Finally, a book that satisfies this unspoken fetish among cartoon fanatics. Presenting Naked Cartoonists: Over 70 artists’ nude self-portraits, including Sergio Aragonés, Art Spiegelman, Will Eisner, Charles Schulz, Mort Walker, Scott Adams, Al Jaffee, Ann Telnaes, Jeff Smith, Trina Robbins, Lynn Johnston, Russell Myers, and dozens more. Cartoonists are notoriously physically lovely, well-proportioned, statuesque, graceful, and always with a twinkle in their eyes, so in order not to make their readers envious or resentful, they often depict themselves in deliriously outlandish or humiliating situations and usually festooned with self-deprecating anatomical features. This is where cartoonists have to rely on nothing but their wit, inventiveness, and desperation to make themselves look as unattractive as humanly possible. In other words, as far from reality as they can possibly get. The cartoonists in this book succeed mightily at this gallant effort.

Size : 73.9 MB

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